Complicated Simplicity

I have another completed DIY project! This one wasn’t huge, but it still feels good to have something checked off the list while looking around at the other daunting projects waiting to be tackled. I had seen these simple wooden frames all around and like any other creative diyer “I can make that.” Of course there were available tutorials and I took a look and made some adjustments. I had already ordered and received my print from Society 6, and completed my shopping trips. What I thought was going to be a 3-4 hr project turned into days. I got these super strong magnets from the home improvement store, I tested them out, made sure I had them on the right side, and began to lay everything out.

I cut the wood with my circular saw, which was another feat; I wanted the frame pieces to be a little thinner, but could not do so with the saw guide and did not trust myself to free hand (if anyone wants to put me on their Christmas list, a table saw would be awesome J ) so that was the first adjustment to the project. I then drilled for where the magnets would sit; I wanted the wood to sit flush and not have space on the sides. Of course hindsight is 20/20 and I now have thought of other solutions that would have been easier, but: lessons learned. I used adhesive for the magnets and let them dry. The next day my magnets were fighting each other and me. I had to readjust, cut down the wood and restain the ends. The magnets were so strong a few times they caught my fingers between the boards and I couldn’t get myself loose for what felt like forever!

In the end, I am very happy with the results and it works well in my little kitchen nook. I am now deciding if I want to add seat cushions and/or pillows; nothing is ever finished for me it seems. But for right now I am enjoying the simplicity. I rarely sit in that corner because I like to stand and eat or sit in front of the TV (judge away lol). But I love seeing other people enjoy the special places in my home, which I designed to be welcoming, comfortable and easy on the eye. It really does make me so happy! What are some of your project triumphs? Lessons learned? Where are some of your favorite places in your home?

Let me know!